Ready to improve your CAD or Windchill skills? Join us for our free CAD training and Windchill training Power Hours happening on the third Thursday of every month all through 2019. Whether you are just starting out using these platforms or want to refine your expertise we have a range of sessions available (click to jump):

Every training session starts at 10am PST and will include a 45-minute presentation followed by 15 minutes of Q & A.

CAD Training and Windchill Training

Creo 5.0 Overview: January 24, 2019

Learn about all the latest features, enhancements, and tools that have been added to the Creo platform since Creo 2.0. We will review the latest enhancements including upgrades made to sketcher, the Design Exploration Extension, the new rendering engine, the updated mini toolbar, as well as other various day-to-day productivity tools.

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Learn about all the latest capabilities and productivity improvements made since Creo 2.0.

Working with 3rd Party CAD Data: February 21, 2019

One of the latest, and most useful, upgrades to Creo is the ability to open CAD files from other third-party platforms including Siemens NX, CATIA, SolidWorks, and Autodesk Inventor without having to any type of file translation. This error-prone process is what typically causes geometry issues during the design process.

In this CAD training session, we will review how you can convert “dumb” geometry into fully functional parametric features. We will also explain how you can complete full direct manipulations using Flexible Modeling techniques.

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Learn how to seamlessly open CAD files from third-party platforms directly in Creo.

Windchill – Beyond Simple CAD Vaulting: March 21, 2019

Windchill can do so much more than just manage your CAD data – it’s a powerful tool that can help you improve your entire design processes. In this Windchill training course, we will explore all the powerful PLM capabilities that are a part of the base Windchill package. We will review:

  • The Navigate platform
  • BOM Management tools
  • How to use Promotion Workflows to release data
  • How to use the Microsoft Office Desktop Integration for Document Management
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Use Windchill for more than just managing CAD data.

Sharing Data from Windchill to Your ERP System: April 25, 2019

How many times have you found out an engineer recreated a BOM in your ERP – when it already existed inside Windchill? This duplicated effort wastes engineering time that could be focused on creating new products. This Windchill training session will help you understand how you can integrate Windchill with your ERP to easily transmit data between platforms. Not only will you reduce duplicate efforts, but you will also learn how you can automate additional tasks between both systems to increase efficiency.

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Eliminate duplicate work and improve engineering productivity.

Large Assembly Management Best Practices: May 23rd, 2019

One of the major benefits of Creo is its high-performance capabilities when dealing with large assemblies. In this CAD training session, you will not only learn about these tools but gain a deeper understanding of how to maximize the capabilities to improve performance even further.

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Focus on design and not your patience skills.

Creo and ANSYS Discovery Live: June 20, 2019

Creo includes simulation tools that integrate with ANSYS and allow engineers to explore how models respond to various physical loads and forces that occur in the real world. While these tools are extremely valuable, they, unfortunately, tax computer CPU and take a lot of time.

Every time there is a change made to the model, another simulation study must be run and you have to wait for the results. It sounds like a speedy process, but when you consider all the iterations you could go through, that time waiting for results adds up quickly. This CAD training session will show you how you can use Creo Simulation Live to make changes in the model and view the results instantaneously.

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Stop waiting for simulation results.

Unlocking the Power of Master Modeling: July 18, 2019

Master Modeling allows users to streamline workflows by using a single model for all downstream processes from design, to drafting, to in-process models, to tooling, to simulations. By using this technique, companies can perform concurrent engineering and maintain full associativity across the entire product structure.

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Use a single model for everything in your design process.

Building Curvature Continuous Surfaces: August 22, 2019

When designing smooth surfaces, they may look smooth on your digital designs but may not look the same when produced. This CAD training class will introduce you to numerous tools within Creo that can help you not only create smooth curvatures on continuous surfaces but also analyze the quality of the surfaces and its connections before production.

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Learn how to create and analyze the quality of your smooth and continuous curvatures.

Measuring and Collaborating with Creo View: September 19, 2019

Learn how you can use the tools within Creo View to easily collaborate, review, and redesign products. Many companies refer to Creo View as a “PDF reader” for CAD models. Built within Windchill, this tool is simple for everyone to use – even non-CAD users who are able to visualize CAD models outside of Creo Parametric.

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Collaborate, review, and redesign CAD models outside of Creo Parametric.

Making Data Available with Navigate: October 17, 2019

Need to provide STEP files or drawing PDFs to a colleague or manager? Spending lots of time creating the files manually? Are you spending a lot of time re-teaching someone how to use Creo just to view parts, assemblies, and drawings for inspection? Learn how to share data with anyone in your organization using PTC Navigate and remove all of this tedious work.

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Learn how everyone can have access to the information they need, right when they need it using PTC Navigate.

Troubleshooting Regeneration Issues: November 14, 2019

Regeneration failures happen in all CAD applications, but Creo 5.0 makes it easy to determine the root cause and provides you with guidance on how to fix the issues. This CAD training course will teach you how to take advantage of all the available features including automatic notifications, edit references, and configuration options that can facilitate generation failures.

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Let Creo guide you through the process of fixing regeneration issues.

Participating in Workflows: December 19, 2019

Automation is a wonderful and powerful tool! Learn how your company can take advantage of all its potential and move away from inefficient, manual, and paper processes. This Windchill training course helps you explore how you can utilize workflows to automate almost any task related to managing and releasing your CAD data as well as other business needs.

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Automate workflows to eliminate manual inefficient processes.

Rather Complete Your CAD Training or Windchill Training in Person?

NxRev offers a range of in-person and certified training courses all year round. You can check out the complete list of scheduled classes here.

Or, if you are looking for a specific training course for your organization we can develop a custom class to meet your needs that can be completed remotely or on site. Just contact us for more information.