A new version of Creo has recently been released. For the latest information on new features, click here, and for details on packages and pricing, click here

Creo 6.0 has officially been released. The latest version includes a range of new features as well as general improvements to help you and your team design better products faster. It includes new additive manufacturing capabilities, real-time simulation, Augmented Reality (AR) tools, and general productivity enhancements. It comes in five different package offerings and still has all the core tools that you know and love including:

  • Parametric and freestyle surfacing
  • AR design
  • Direct modeling
  • 2D drawing
  • Model-based definition
  • Design exploration
  • Sheet metal design
  • Mechanism design
  • Structural framework and weld design
  • Fastener design
  • Human factors design
  • Routed system design
  • Smart connected design
  • Concept design
  • Plastic part design
  • Industrial design
  • Reverse engineering
  • Multi-CAD design
  • Rendering and #D animation
  • Assembly management and performance
  • Structural analysis
  • Thermal analysis
  • Motion analysis
  • Mold fill analysis
  • Fatigue analysis
  • Creepage and clearance analysis
  • Tool and die design
  • Production machining
  • Performance advisor
  • Product data management (PDM)
  • Technical illustrations

Creo 6.0 includes:
–       New additive manufacturing features
–       Real-time simulation
–       Augmented reality (AR) tools
–       General productivity improvements

PTC Creo Release Schedule

PTC has moved to an annual release cycle.  With this increased released speed, users will naturally see a bit less in each release. It will be harder to compare each new version to the previous version, or even the two previous versions. This will also impact how older versions of Creo are supported.

This means that every 3-4 versions of Creo will likely be designated as an enterprise build. These builds are safe to move to/stay on for a longer time and PTC will continue to release .X version updates. Other intermittent versions, even larger numbered updates, will not receive the same treatment.

Why is PTC Doing This?

This release schedule is a complicated fix for a difficult problem: accommodating the needs of both large and small customers.  Large companies can’t afford to retrain and update their whole user base and custom solutions. Providing these larger enterprise builds every 3-4 versions will remove the constant headache of regular migration and reduce retraining costs. These customers can simply wait for the enterprise releases. In contrast, smaller customers who are anxious to see a return on their annual subscription costs will see incremental improvements and updates annually.

The new PTC release schedule includes incremental annual releases for smaller customers and larger enterprise build releases for large customers.

What This Means for Current Creo 5.0 Users

Creo 4.0 was considered the most recent Enterprise release. Creo 5.0 will have one more version due to release in May 2019. After that, it is assumed that Creo 5.0 users will move to Creo 6.0 for continual updates and then to Creo 7.0. Since Creo 7.0 will likely be the next Enterprise build, larger companies will wait and then make the larger jump from Creo 4.0 to Creo 7.0.

Creo 6.0 Enhanced Features

New Additive Manufacturing Capabilities

Creo 6.0 expands on its existing additive manufacturing capabilities. These new features provide you with increased flexibility when designing for 3D printing.

  • Optimization: The Creo Topology optimization extension provides you with optimization tools specifically for 3D printing. Users also have more control over animating results in an updated results platform.
  • Build direction: Optimize build direction on 3D printing platforms to include more parts in a single print, eliminate support structures, or decrease printing time.
  • Lattice structure: Creo 6.0 expanded their lattice optimization structures from 2.5D and 3D to include formula-driven designs. Users can define custom structures using geometry or use pre-formulated designs like gyroids, conformal, or stochastic lattices.

Real-Time Simulation with Creo Simulate Live

Creo Simulate Live, supported by ANSYS technology, provides simulation results in real-time, significantly shortening and improving the entire product design process. The combined modeling and simulation environments help supports analysis-driven design to create better products faster. Using Creo Simulate Live, organizations can:

  • Decrease costs: Using analysis helps you catch problems before creating physical prototypes. This decreases product development costs and total product lifecycle costs.
  • Optimize processes: New products get to market faster when extraneous steps are removed and total product development processes are shortened.
  • Increase product quality: Simulation provides the tools you need to make informed decisions, which increases product quality and performance.

Combine your modeling and simulation environments and get real-time simulation results.

Augmented Reality for Better Collaboration

The new Creo 6.0 cloud-based AR features help teams create incredible AR experiences that improve collaboration. Experiences can even be shared among suppliers and stakeholders, so everyone involved in a project is on the same page.

Creo 6.0 lets you create and manage up to 10 designs. Experiences can be launched via QR codes and are compatible with the Microsoft HoloLens. Using these features allows everyone to explore designs in context and at scale. Teams can:

  • Define, create, publish, and distribute AR experiences
  • Collaborate with stakeholders
  • Control access to experiences with user-defined permissions
  • Ensure no critical IP is lost
  • Utilize the PTC cloud-portal for experience management and sharing
  • Support and enable sales and marketing efforts

AR experiences improve collaboration by presenting products in context and at scale for more informed decision-making.

Creo 6.0 Productivity Improvements

In addition to new features, PTC always makes general productivity improvements to the Creo platform so you can keep making new products faster.

  • Model trees are now aligned more closely with the graphics area. Navigation customizations are saved and stored for any time a model is reopened.
  • Skins and dashboards have been further optimized to group together related functions and provide easy access to help information for each feature.
  • Mini-toolbars are included in-feature and within the graphics area to provide you with access to the tools you need right when you need them.
  • Cable ties and markers have a new streamlined interface so you can quickly and easily add them to models.
  • Continued volume sweep tool helps you easily generate the curve that the tool follows during CNC machining processes.
  • Model-based design features have been improved with an optimized interface that offers more intuitive tools for placing notes on models.

Purchase or Upgrade to Creo 6.0 Today

Creo 6.0 includes all the tools you need to create the products of tomorrow. The new and improved features will help you stay ahead of the market by optimizing processes so you can get your products to market faster. Ready to upgrade to Creo 6.0? Contact us.