Selecting the right enterprise product lifecycle management (PLM) solution for your organization is critical for success. For many teams, PLM runs at the heart of operations, keeping product development cycling at a rapid rate. Manufacturers need to satisfy customer demands to stay competitive—and that requires modern enterprise PLM solutions that let you collaborate across design, manufacturing, supply chain, customer experience, and more.

Your enterprise PLM solutions are at the center of product development operations. Choosing the one that best fits your team’s needs is essential for ongoing success.

Collaboration at the Core of Enterprise PLM

An enterprise PLM solution that can support multi-organizational PLM is a strategic necessity for a variety of reasons:
Global business network structure with connections for data exchange and collaboration

  • Creating innovative products
  • Managing product complexity
  • Improving organizational collaboration
  • Adding value for customers
  • Increasing supply chain flexibility
  • Gaining speed and agility

Collaboration is the main driver behind the search for enterprise PLM solutions that support digital continuity across a distributed product lifecycle.

Enterprise PLM Features

The right enterprise PLM will set your team up for success with innovative tools to support:

Digital Thread

A distributed supply chain requires the availability and integration of timely data, so your PLM must act as the single source of truth for all things product development. Therefore, ensuring your PLM can integrate with your digital thread is required. Teams must ensure that their enterprise PLM of choice can control and manage product data, including all the revision and change control data that goes along with it. Your PLM solution should be able to tie design elements and other documentation together in a structured way from development through retirement and disposal.

Design for X

Gathering and integrating product feedback early and often improves innovation while reducing rework. Organizations should look for an enterprise PLM that makes it easy to incorporate comprehensive input and feedback into designs early on—when design flexibility is still high. Tools must produce secure and easy access to accurate product data to provide input and make data-driven decisions—even for contributors who are not daily PLM users.

The idea of Data Lifecycle Management Strategies. Generative Ai

Concurrent Engineering

Many companies are looking to improve data flows and downstream data sharing. When downstream teams can start their work earlier, it cuts lead times on projects with overlapping work steps and significantly compresses design cycle times through concurrent engineering. Teams should look for an enterprise PLM that makes it easy to share data securely across organizational boundaries. This also means that the PLM should have strong change management features so that upstream changes are automatically notated and accommodated downstream. Using your enterprise PLM as a single source of truth for product data helps streamline this entire process.

Partner Collaboration

Leading teams are more reliant on partner collaboration than ever before, from supply chain to distribution. For advanced collaboration to work, data must be self-service accessible but also secure and traceable. An enterprise PLM solution can get partnerships up and running within the system with little overhead by making it easy to share the right information with the right stakeholders.

Windchill PLM, Your Enterprise PLM Solution

Multi-enterprise PLM collaboration helps improve the product development process by increasing innovation and speeding up time to market while also avoiding costly and time-consuming errors. To operate effectively in today’s competitive market, organizations need a PLM designed for the enterprise.

Enterprise PLM solutions like Windchill enable streamlined collaboration and secured data sharing for improved product development.

Windchill from PTC provides the backbone for effective enterprise collaboration. It has the foundation teams need to ensure speed, agility, and quality across the product development process.

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