Get Cyber Monday Pricing on MathCad 5.0

Mathcad Prime 5.0 enables engineers to easily perform, document and share calculation and design results. Mathcad Prime 5.0’s interface accepts and displays units aware math notation using keystrokes or menu palette clicks with no programming required.

Complex Calculations Made Simple

The biggest improvement over previous versions of Mathcad is that Mathcad Prime is so easy to use. It is the first solution to enable users to simultaneously solve and document engineering calculations in a single reusable worksheet, which can be saved or easily converted to several formats.

Mathcad Prime 5.0’s intuitive interface combines live, standard math notation, text and graphs, in a presentable format which enables knowledge capture, reuse and design verification for improved product quality.

See what’s new in MathCAD Prime 5.0

What’s new in Mathcad Prime 5.0:

  • Customizable 2D plotting: Users can now fully customize the look and feel of 2D plot charts with customization options for:
    • Full-axes formatting
    • Titles and legends
    • Second y-axis
    • Gridlines
  • New online help and support: PTC now has instant online technical support and help for Mathcad. The new support website gets you the help and support you need right when you need it
  • Overall enhancements: There have also been product enhancements to the Mathcad Prime features you already love like content protection, seamless interoperability, equation wrapping, and overall performance and usability enhancements.