
Hungry Like A Wolf: NxRev’s Hunter of the Month!

Wait until you hear what our sales reps have been up to the past few months! Brian Lahowe was just named Hunter of the Month for April by PTC, an award given to the sales rep that closes the most new Creo Customers. Following right behind was our own Mick Mullen in second. Way to go, guys!

2024-02-01T09:20:22-08:00June 4th, 2013|Uncategorized|

Hands-On Workshops: Come One, Come All!

We’re big believers in helping our customers get the most out of their PTC investment. Every once in a while, we like to branch outside our webinar series and meet with our customers in person for free hands-on workshops. This year, we’re expanding our Creo Parametric workshops in both Santa Clara and Torrance, CA.

Here are a few upcoming events we’ll be hosting. These events are pretty popular, so if you’re interested, be sure to register before it’s too late!  Please contact your sales person or give us a call for available dates, times, and locations.

2024-02-01T09:20:09-08:00April 19th, 2013|Uncategorized|

Mathcad Express

If you’re familiar with Mathcad, the technical calculations software, you know how much easier to use and intuitively designed it is compared to its competitors. Recently, PTC decided to make this program accessible to all by creating Mathcad Express. The Express version comes with a free lifetime license. Yes, that’s “free” as in “no cost.”

Mathcad […]

2020-01-11T15:36:04-08:00February 6th, 2013|Uncategorized|

PTC Customers Dominate the red dot Awards

We’re bursting with pride over the results of the 2012 red dot product design awards. Wonder if you can guess why?

Each year, the red dot product design awards recognize outstanding designs for products with innovative and visionary design qualities. These awards have existed since 1955 and serve to highlight some of the best and brightest […]

2020-01-11T15:36:04-08:00January 7th, 2013|Uncategorized|

NxRev Dave & Buster's User Event

PTC User Conference - We are hosting a special event for our Northern California customers and want you to come! Join us at Dave & Buster's in Milpitas, CA on Thursday, November 1st from 1pm to 5pm. The event is free for all NxRev customers.

2020-01-11T15:36:05-08:00October 16th, 2012|Uncategorized|

PTC Literacy in 140 Characters or Less

NxRev ensures that companies maximize their investments in PTC’s tools by providing in-depth consultations, guidance,and support for users. We’re talking to the Twitterverse to spread some nifty tips, tricks, and training tidbits for PTC products.

2020-01-11T15:36:05-08:00July 30th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Why Upgrade to Creo?

Upgrading from Pro/Engineer or Elements/Pro? Last month, PTC came out with its newest version of Creo, Creo 2.0. But what does this mean to you, the Creo user who is still running Pro/Engineer or Elements/Pro?...

2020-01-11T15:36:05-08:00June 12th, 2012|Uncategorized|

What’s New with Creo 2.0

If you have been living under a rock these past couple weeks, then you might have missed the big news – PTC released Creo 2.0 – and it’s packed with new, innovative features.

Creo has added another intuitive app to the existing Creo family, Creo Options Modeler. Modeler bridges the gap between the configuration and customization […]

2020-01-11T15:36:05-08:00April 30th, 2012|Uncategorized|